Natural burials for pets
We are able to offer pet burial at the natural burial ground. These follow our natural ethos and as with all our graves, there are no markers or memorabilia to keep everything as natural as possible. Each grave is accurately recorded and we have a number of methods that you can use to find the spot. You can choose to have a pet burial on its own or as part of a pre-purchase beside a natural burial plot.
Those that have chosen to have their pets cremated can also have an interment of ashes near to our weeping willow which, once established, will provide a beautiful sheltered area full of native wildflowers. Plots can be pre-purchased or purchased at the time of need.
Natural burial with your pet
If you are arranging a natural burial or ashes interment for someone who would like to be buried with their pet, we can help. We offer the choice of including a pet’s ashes in the grave.
Alternatively, if you would like to reserve a burial plot alongside a pet who also has a natural burial, we have an area of the burial ground where owners can be with their companion pets.
Our application form and prices can be found on our forms and prices page.
Making your wishes known
Not everyone is aware that you can choose to have your pet’s ashes included as part of your natural burial. If this is part of your wishes, it’s important that you make these known. This can be arranged as part of a pre-purchase, which means your pet’s ashes will be included in your natural burial arrangements.
If you do not want to make arrangements at this time, but still want to make your wishes known, we have put together ‘For when I die…’ a form which is entirely free and completely yours to use to share your wishes with the people closest to you.
Have more questions?
If you have any more questions about the pet burial options at Pembrokeshire natural burial meadow, please contact our custodian, Sarah.