Sally Whitworth profile shot

Sally Whitworth

Aylesbury Landowner & Custodian
Contact form

It’s important to commemorate the names of the dead and when they lived.

The burial ground meadow will remain as a natural environment, the way you see it now. Unlike a conventional cemetery, there will not be rows of memorial stones, benches, vases of flowers or mementos, which would alter the special natural quality of the meadow.

Memorial plaques

Inside the wildlife area to the left of the entrance is a solid chestnut-framed memorial panel where slate plaques are mounted. Each plaque is inscribed with the name, year of birth and year of death of those buried here.

We have selected the materials and construction to withstand the test of time and weather. For many, it is important to have the name of the person written and recorded, especially as there are no markers on the individual graves in the natural burial meadow.

If you would like to order one please go to the forms and prices page and download a memorial application form and send it to us.

Memorial rights

Memorial rights are granted for the display of a memorial plaque in the frame. Rights last for a period of 25 years after which they are renewable. The renewal of memorial rights in the future will provide an important contribution to the upkeep of the frame and other maintenance at the burial ground after income from the sale of rights of burial has ceased.

Memorial Tree Planting

Native tree planting at the natural burial meadow will create a new area of woodland, improving biodiversity and encouraging wildlife to visit.

There are two options for planting individual trees at the burial ground:-

  1. In a small number of positions inside the burial meadow itself, close to the edges, where robust cages guard these new trees against being nibbled by livestock
  2. Within the copse area at the western corner (bottom right of the burial ground) where trees can be guarded by a much simpler tree-tube guard and stake.

In each case, a horticultural ‘tree label’ is displayed at the base of the tree. Tree labels will be displayed for an initial period of ten years (due to the projected lifespan of the materials), and you will have the option to renew/extend the periods at the end of this term.

If you would like to dedicate a tree in memory of somebody please go to the forms and prices page and download a Tree For Life application form and send it to us.

Mementoes and plants at the burial ground

In order to conserve the natural habitat and protect bereaved families, graves must not be gardened and nothing should be placed or planted and no seeds should be scattered on the graves without consent from the Custodian, Sally. She can advise on native species and a supplier.

Our aim is to keep everything as natural as possible to maintain and enhance the local biodiversity.​ Anything that appears without our consent will be removed. Please make sure that this is right for you before you commit to the burial ground. It will not suit everyone.

Wild Flowers

Native wildflower seeds may be scattered on the grave and the surrounding area after the burial. However, animals do graze within the field so please be aware these may be nibbled by our local woolly residents when they graze.

In the meadow native wildflower seeds may be scattered on the grave and the surrounding area after the burial. The mix should be chosen to suit the clay sub-soil.

A typical mix would comprise:

  • Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus Corniculatus)
  • Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
  • Cowslip (Primula veris)
  • Field Scabious (knautia arvensis)
  • Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium Verum)
  • Lesser knapweed (centaurea nigra)
  • Meadow buttercup (ranunculus acris)
  • Musk Mallow (Malva Moschata)
  • Ox eye daisy (leucanthemum vulgare)
  • Ragged robin (lychnis flos cuculi)
  • Red campion (Silene Dioica)
  • Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
  • Salad burnet (sanguisorba minor)
  • Self heal (Prunella vulgaris)
  • Sorrel (rumex acetosa)
  • White campion (Silene Alba)
  • Wild carrot (Daucus Carota)
  • Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium)
  • Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor).​

Native species are not easily found at the garden centre but can be ordered from specialist nurseries.