With every cremation a little more glacier melts

Hawthorn Tree

Celtic Tree Calendar – Inspiration for a memorial tree

Memorial Tree Planting

How to plant a memorial tree – a 6 step guide.

Natural memorials close to the heart and home

Natural wreath from foraged foliage

How to make a wreath from natural, foraged foliage.

Helping children understand what happens when we die

Picnics, pizza, & ice cream, adding personal touches to a funeral

Willow coffin by Wyldwood Willow

Willow Coffin Workshop with Wyldwood Willow

Celebrant sitting at Cardiff Natural Burial Meadow

Breaking through the ‘coldness of Covid’ to create funerals full of warmth

A few of the hidden gems at Usk Castle Chase natural burial ground

Standing Stones at Cothiemuir Hill

The history of the standing stones at Cothiemuir Hill

Natural burial ground approved in West Dorset

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