Catching up on 2021 with Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow
What’s been going on in 2021
2021 was an interesting year. It was a busy year for burials, and we found that our families were very creative when it came to covid restrictions. Luckily we could offer more flexibility with outdoor funerals. However, families also found wonderful ways to make sure funerals were personal. One of these even included hiring a Kebab Van which was a brilliant idea. We hope that families continue to do things their way, even when there isn’t the worry of restrictions.
We were really pleased when we could start welcoming more people back to the meadow when funeral numbers were no longer limited. If it has been a while since you were able to visit you may notice that we have quite a few new memorial trees. We planted 19 new trees over the last year, while it was also a busy year for pet burials. We have welcomed some very special pets to the meadow including dogs and ferrets.
Mowing the Meadow
As summer came to a close the meadow was mowed ready for haymaking and for our natural lawnmowers, the sheep. We had our fingers crossed that it would stay dry. Luckily it did and all went well. It’s great that we can manage the meadow in this way so the natural burial ground is sustainable. We also know that for our families watching the sheep grazing the meadow can be very therapeutic.
A new website
Towards the end of 2021, our new website went live. We were really pleased to see how wonderful this looked. If you haven’t already seen it we would definitely recommend you head over and have a look. It has got some really helpful advice on how to plan a natural burial, and how to choose greener options for any funeral.
Our Green Projects
Our pond at the natural burial ground was the fullest it had ever been this summer. It is an ongoing project because as we know nature never stops working. We got a lovely video of our pond this summer.
Nature never stops surprising us either because we are always finding something new when we visit the meadow. For the first time, we came across pyramid orchids which were amazing. We have also had some beautiful sunrises and sunset. We ended 2021 with some amazing winter sunsets and a few frosty mornings. Here are some of the photos we took of the natural burial meadow throughout the year.
We would love to see your photos if you see something interesting when you visit the natural burial ground. You can share these in a post on our Facebook, as a Google Review or directly with us. We would love to hear from you.
Get in touch
If you would like to share some photos with us you can get in touch with us at the email address below:
You can also keep up to date with what is going on at our Facebook page or Instagram.