Planning ahead

Getting things organised in advance can be very therapeutic. It’s a decision that will have to be made at some stage anyway, so making it now means that you can tick it off the list and know that it’s settled.

​When possible, we advise having a discussion about what you would like to happen with the people who will be the ones who arrange things. We understand however that funerals aren’t always that simple. We have produced a free, downloadable document called “For when I die…” which is a list of items that prompt you to think about the key information to pass on to whoever will be organising your funeral.

Writing a will

Remember a charity have put together a Complete Guide to Making a Will, which explains why a will is important and how it can protect your loved ones.

It offers practical tips and advice on how to write a will and what to include, whether you need a will writer or a solicitor, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and common mistakes to avoid, and how a will is a great way to support a charity or help a cause that you care about.

Spread the cost

It might suit you to spread payments over ten or twenty months. The only additional cost involved in doing it this way is an administration charge to cover the extra bookkeeping activities needed to set up the process and check off the monthly payments.

If you would prefer to pay this way, please contact us for a quoting reference and tick the payment by standing order box on your application form. As well as acknowledging your application, we’ll also log your payments and send you a receipt and certificate of purchase when your purchase is complete.